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心智解讀是幼兒發展領域極受重視的研究議題。研究的結果往往能啟發我們思考怎樣的養育策略才能有效地促進孩子的心智解讀能力。以下是王貞琳博士領導/參與的學術研究的主要研究成果。有興趣了解更多的家長可以點擊               閱讀學術文章的全文。



Parental mental-state talk and false belief understanding in Hong Kong children (Chan, Wang, Devine & Hughes, 2020)


Secret of the Masters: Young Chess Players Show Advanced Visual Perspective Taking (Gao, Chen, Wang & Lin, 2019)


Play and theory of mind in early childhood: A Hong Kong perspective (Wang, Wong, Wong, Ho & Cheng, 2017)


Does Parental Mind-Mindedness Account for Cross-Cultural Differences in Preschoolers’ Theory of Mind? (Hughes, Devine & Wang, 2018)

Parental mind-mindedness but not false belief understanding predicts Hong Kong children’s lie-telling behavior in a temptation resistance task (Wang, Zhu & Wang, 2017)

父母的心智敏感度(Mind-mindedness)與孩子心智解讀能力有密切關係。把孩子當成有心智活動的談話對象的家長,他們的孩子表現出較好的心智解讀能力。另外,父母的心智敏感度也和孩子的社交能力有所關係。把孩子當成有獨立思考的人的家長,他們的孩子展現出更多的社會適應性行為,例如策略性謊言(Strategic lying)。

When a circle becomes the letter O: Young children’s conceptualization of learning and its relation with theory of mind development (Wang & Frye, 2020)


Young Children's Understanding of Teaching and Learning and Their Theory of Mind Development: A Causal Analysis from a Cross-Cultural Perspective (Wang, Wang & Chui, 2017)



Chan, M. H. M., Wang, Z., Devine, R. T., & Hughes, C. (2020). Parental mental-state talk and false belief understanding in Hong Kong children. Cognitive Development, 55, 100926.

Gao, Q., Chen, W., Wang, Z., & Lin, D. (2019). Secret of the masters: Young chess players show advanced visual perspective taking. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2407.

Hughes, C., Devine, R. T., & Wang, Z. (2018). Does parental mind‐mindedness account for cross‐cultural differences in preschoolers’theory of mind?. Child Development, 89(4), 1296-1310.

Wang, L., Zhu, L., & Wang, Z. (2017). Parental mind-mindedness but not false belief understanding predicts Hong Kong children’s lie-telling behavior in a temptation resistance task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 162, 89-100.

Wang, Z., & Frye, D. A. (2020). When a circle becomes the letter O: Young children’s conceptualization of learning and its relation with theory of mind development. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:596419.

Wang, Z., Wang, X. C., & Chui, W. Y. (2017). Young Children's Understanding of Teaching and Learning and Their Theory of Mind Development: A Causal Analysis from a Cross-Cultural Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:725.

Wang, Z., Wong, R. K. S., Wong, P. Y. H., Ho, F. C., & Cheng, D. P. W. (2017). Play and theory of mind in early childhood: A Hong Kong perspective. Early Child Development and Care, 187(9), 1389-1402.


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